
Showing posts from January, 2019

Geeky Catholic Sunday: The Third Sunday of Ordinary Time 2019

Gospel Reading:  Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21 Highlight:  "The eyes of all in the synagogue looked intently at him." Reflection: Notice the content of Jesus's message at each stage of this story, and the corresponding actions of the people. The first message Jesus proclaims is a passage from the Scriptures. All the people had to do was show up to the synagogue to hear that. But the message was nothing they hadn't heard before, and it did not have direct personal significance to them. But Jesus's next message - about the Scripture being fulfilled in their hearing - required something more from the people. They were looking intently at Him. Jesus waited until he had their attention before he continued. They had to be open to Jesus's words in order to be able to understand how the Scripture applied to their lives. The more we open our hearts to Jesus, the more directly he will speak to us. We have to do more than just show up to Mass. (Not that showing up is insignifi

Geeky Catholic Sunday: The Second Sunday of Ordinary Time 2019

Gospel Reading: John 2:1-11 Highlight:  "His mother said to the servers, 'Do whatever he tells you.'" Reflection:  Here we have on display one of the clearest Scriptural examples of the intercessory power of the Virgin Mary. We might think it unnecessary to go through Mary, because we have personal relationships with Jesus. The only reason the servers at the wedding at Cana went to Mary with their problem was that they didn't know Jesus; Mary knew him better. Mary knew him better. And that is the reason we go to Mary. Geeky Quote:  "I didn't do it for him." - Loki,  Thor: The Dark World (the implication being that Loki helped Thor for their mother) Prayer:  Mother Mary, bring me closer to your Son. Amen. To get these short reflections every week, click the Subscribe button at the top of this page, or you can "Like" or "Follow" the GeekyCatholicDad Facebook page  here .

Geeky Catholic Sunday: The Baptism of the Lord 2019

Gospel Reading: Luke 3:15-16, 21-22 Highlight: "And a voice came from heaven, 'You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.'" Reflection: The first thing that comes to my mind when I read the above verse is the contrast with God the Father's words at the Transfiguration. "This is my beloved Son. Listen to him." The difference is in whom God is addressing. He may be telling those gathered indirectly that He is pleased with Jesus. But he is directly speaking to Jesus. Why? Doesn't Jesus already know that the Father loves him? Surely he doesn't need these words of affirmation. But love isn't just about giving another person what they need, or even what they deserve. My wife knows that I love her, even when I'm not actively saying it or showing it. But that is no reason for me to stop saying it or showing it. The relationship between the Persons of the Trinity is one of a constant exchange of love. So we should never cease showin

Geeky Catholic Sunday: The Epiphany of the Lord 2019

Gospel Reading: Matthew 2:1-12 Highlight: "We saw his star at its rising and have come to do him homage." Reflection: The magi, even with know direct knowledge of God's revelation, were able to find Him through his creation and their human reasoning. I'm reminded of the Greek philosophers, who - before the coming of Christ and with little to no exposure to the Israelites - broke away from the polytheistic and hedonistic traditions of their culture and described One God who desired us to live virtuous lives. The magi made their connection with God at the Epiphany. The Greek philosophers may never have personally made a connection with the God of Abraham, their teachings were united and incorporated with Christianity by great minds such as St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas. In today's world, there are many people trying to live good lives, without realizing that the best way to do that is in the Catholic faith. We have hope that they will eventually make tha