Geeky Catholic Sunday: The Third Sunday of Ordinary Time 2019

Gospel Reading: Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21

Highlight: "The eyes of all in the synagogue looked intently at him."

Reflection: Notice the content of Jesus's message at each stage of this story, and the corresponding actions of the people. The first message Jesus proclaims is a passage from the Scriptures. All the people had to do was show up to the synagogue to hear that. But the message was nothing they hadn't heard before, and it did not have direct personal significance to them. But Jesus's next message - about the Scripture being fulfilled in their hearing - required something more from the people. They were looking intently at Him. Jesus waited until he had their attention before he continued. They had to be open to Jesus's words in order to be able to understand how the Scripture applied to their lives. The more we open our hearts to Jesus, the more directly he will speak to us. We have to do more than just show up to Mass. (Not that showing up is insignificant; after all, the people who stayed home from the synagogue didn't even hear the Scriptures being read at all.) We have to be willing to hear how the Word of God is speaking to us in each moment.

Geeky Quote: "The Force is calling to you. Just let it in." - Maz Kanata, Star Wars: The Force Awakens (trailer)

Prayer: Jesus, I hear your Word every time I go to Mass or read the Bible. Open my heart to receive your special message to me. Amen.

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