Geeky Catholic Advent: Monday of the Fourth Week of Advent 2018

Gospel Reading: Luke 1:67-79

Highlight: "The dawn from on high shall break upon us, to shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death, and to guide our feet into the way of peace."

Reflection: What a striking visual we're given at the end of Zechariah's canticle. The dawn form high shall break up on us. The dawn is what comes after hours of night; it is salvation from darkness. When things are as bad as they can be, when it feels like we are about to be strangled by sin, God comes down like the dawn and saves us. Why? Because He loves us.

Geeky Quote: "There suddenly upon a ridge appeared a rider, clad in white, shining in the rising sun. 'Behold the White Rider!' cried Aragorn. 'Gandalf is come again!'" - Gandalf's arrival at Helm's Deep, The Two Towers

Prayer: Lord, save me from my sins. I look forward with hope to your coming. Come Lord Jesus, come! Amen.

Tomorrow is Christmas. Make sure to check back here tomorrow for a special "Geeky Catholic Christmas" reflection, and exciting announcement!

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