Geeky Catholic Advent: Thursday of the First Week of Advent 2018

Gospel Reading: Matthew 7:21, 24-27

Highlight: "Everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock."

Reflection: It's not enough to just listen to the Word of God. We have to act on it as well. Ask yourself, "What is something specific that I can do to act on God's Word today?"

Geeky Quote: "When I first came here, this was all swamp. Everyone said I was daft to build a castle on a swamp, but I build it all the same, just to show them. It sank into the swamp. So I built a second one. And that one sank into the swamp. So I built a third. That burned down, fell over, and then sank into the swamp. But the fourth one stayed up." - King of Swamp Castle, Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Prayer: Lord, give me the wisdom to hear Your Word, and the courage to act upon it. Amen.

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